PRAYER TO CONTROL THOUGHT LIFE OR TORMENTING THOUGHTS Pray something like this: “Father, I first bind Satan, then the ruler spirit(s) and all spirits not of the Holy Spirit ministering tormenting thoughts to me or harassing me and I loose myself, gag them, break their powers and cast their works down as vain thoughts and imaginations, all in Christ Jesus’ Name. I take them into captivity, bind, loose, speak a spiritual Jericho march around, uproot, plead the Precious Blood against curse and destroy at their roots and cast down each and every negative word, negative thoughts, fears, doubts, worries, anxieties, preoccupations, all demonic thoughts or threats, demonic mental locutions, statements or ideations, and all demonic psychic attacks, psychic operations, or psychic assignments this day, any day past, or any day to come along with all acts of evil or witchcraft spoken over, formed against, or directed at me by others ... all in Christ Jesus’ Name.” “I decree that they shall n...